Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Easter Event Coordinators,Schedule,Background and Tee Shirts

News Flash 
Conquering Heroes of 1913.the Times March 16th 2013.
See last Post -News  Reminiscences  and Anecdotes

The Weekend's Events and Events' Background

1)Event Coordinators

In order to contact the coordinators listed below could you please e mail Robin Edward or Helen your message and the Recipient 's name and we will forward it ?

This is because the Blog is a public web site and  private e mail addresses could therefore be in the public domaine if we included them.

Thank you


Robin Edward Poulton
Poulton Family contact. Comments and Queries
Historical Walk Guide
Poulton Sunday Lunch

Helen P R
Programme. Event Coordinator. Comments and Queries
Good Friday Tea
Centenary Items for Sale

Cecilia Bottomley
Friday House Suppers Organizer
Scottish Dancing Coordinator

Perdita Gergaud
Barn Dance Arranger
Rugby Tournament Organizing Team
Whitecliff Bay Walk Tea Party

Catherine Boyd
Saturday Evening Organizer
Garnett Family- 1550-1930  Family Tree

Peter Jay
The Centenary Book.Editor.
Thanksgiving Service
Convenor. The Family History Seminar(London)
Ancestry .com Creator

Lucy Cotterell
Junior Sports Co Organizer

Oliver and Michael Crawley
Tennis Tournament
07786 436645

Hugh Poulton
Cabaret performer
Musical Technical manager/Roadie

Emily Pennant-Rea
Cabaret -Group Chorus Direction

Juliet Bauer
Rugby Tournament Organizing Team

Alex Hacking
Rugby Tournament Organizing Team

Louis Gergaud
Rugby Tournament Organizing Team

Ned Pennant-Rea
The Blog and IT Consultant
Photo Album Production

Tommy Jay
Logo Design
Graphic Design,The Centenary Book

Miranda Smith
Historical Walk Guide

Martin Jay
Peggy/Teddie Centenary Hockey Match

Tim Lyle
Friday/Sat Hockey Matches

Amanda Bodley
Co Organizer Junior Sports

Edward Cotterell
Touch Rugby Tournament Referee

Roger and Andy Garnett
Camp Fire and Beach BBQ

Ruth Mc Arthur
Beach BBQ

Iain McLean
Director Church Service Music and Choir

Ben Hunt
Church Organist

Rory Pennant-Rea
Programme Design/Production

Ann Spokes Symonds
Centenary Exhibition Organizer and Guide.

Joanna Heseltine
 Art Exhibition

Chris Garnett
Historical Walk and Guide
Stewart Boyd
Cabaret Group Song Accompanist

Victoria Lyle
Consultant . The Cabaret

Marylla Hunt
Historical Walk Guide

Rory Poulton,
Scottish Dance Caller.

James Gibson

Roxane Gergaud
Exhibition Guide

Laura Garnett

Tobias Garnett
The Prize Giving

Catherine Heseltine
Easter Egg Hunt

Penelope Simpson
Prize Giving

2)The Events

Good Friday March 29th


10 am -12 am. Meet and Greet and Coffee.

Chez Helen. (Junction of Ferniclose Road/The Close.)         


2-3 pm. Joanna Heseltine’s Island Paintings Exhibition. (Crawleys)

2-3 pm. Cabaret Choir Rehearsal -Chez Helen.


2-2.45 pm. Bring memorabilia (owner’s name attached) to Helen’s house.


3.00 pm - Junior Sports.

Organized by Lucy Cotterell and Amanda Bodley (Chez Helen Garden)


3-5.00 pm -Centenary Exhibition. Chez Helen


Display of Family Historical Memorabilia

Sale of the Centenary Book, Family Tree Poster and Laminated Photo      

Album (Cash or Cheques please)

Organized by Ann Spokes Symonds


4-00 pm- Hot Cross Bun Tea .Chez helen

Easter Egg Hunt organized by Catherine Heseltine

Chez Helen


5.00 pm - Hockey. Priory Bay

Organized and refereed by Tim Lyle.


Seeing Rescue.


7.15 pm - House Suppers

Coordinated by Lilla Bottomley.


9.00 pm -Scottish Dancing. 

 (Chez Bottomley)

Dress -Soft Shoes .   Clan Tartans optional!

Arranged by Perdy Gergaud and Lilla Bottomley .
Easter Saturday March 30th

10-12-30 am - Ronnie Poulton Memorial Mixed Touch Rugby Tournament.
St Helens School Field (behind the Vine Inn)
Organized and refereed by team led by Ed Cotterell.
Starting whistle blown by James Corsan.Author.’For Poulton and England
13.00-15.00 pm Edwardian Tennis Tournament Part 1 (Crawley court). Organized by Michael and Olly Crawley.
12.30-2pm - Church Choir rehearsal. Chez Helen
2-3 pm - Cabaret Choir rehearsal. Chez Helen
2-3 pm -Joanna Heseltine Island Paintings Exhibition. Chez Crawley
2-3pm Centenary Exhibition Open
Chez Helen
Supervised  by Roxane Gergaud
In the presence of James Corsan author ‘For Poulton and England
3- 3-30 pm / 6 –7-00 pm Please collect donated objects from exhibition.
4.00 pm -Thanksgiving Service. St Helens Church
Arranged by Peter Jay.
Director of Music Iain McLean
Family photo/ Graves visit (after  Service)
5.30 pm Tea reception . The Stone House
Hosted by Charity and Victoria Garnett.
6.00 pm - Hockey. Priory Bay.
Organized and refereed by Tim Lyle
Seeing Rescue
8.00 pm – Buffet/Cabaret Evening.
Buffet evening  Sponsored by the 'Baby Boomers'
                           organized by Catherine Boyd
Cabaret organized by Helen PR and Victoria lyle
 (Chez William and Susannah)
Soft Shoes to be worn
 Clocks go forward 1 hour 2 am Sunday
Clocks go forward 1 hour 2 am Sunday
Easter Sunday March 31st
10.00 am - Easter Service. St Helens Church
10.00-15.20pm Edwardian Tennis Tournament
Part 2.    Crawley Court
                         Organized by Michael and Olly Crawley
11.30 am.       Wood chopping Session. Bring equipment if possible.  
                         Roger/Andy Garnett. Seagrove Bay Slipway.
11.30-12.30   Joanna Heseltine Island Paintings Display. (Crawleys)
12.45pm       - Poulton Family Lunch.
                          The Wishing Well Restaurant Pondwell Hill  Nettlestone                           Organized by Robin Edward Poulton and Miranda Smith
2.30 pm           Egg Throwing Competition. Seaview Village
15.30-16.15 pm Final of the Edwardian Tennis Tournament
Crawley Court.
 Prizes for Winning Couple and Runners up and also for best Edwardian Spectators' and Players' Dress .
4.30 pm        Helpers to Seagrove Bay slipway to carry BBQ
                       Supplies to  
                       Horestone Point/Seagrove Bay
4.45 pm        The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
5.15 pm - Peggy/Teddie Centenary Hockey Match,
                       Organized and refereed by Martin Jay (using 1913   
                        Rules).Seagrove Bay  unless conditions change.
 6.00 pm – Camp Fire/BBQ/Drinks.
         Come prepared for rugged weather.
         Seagrove Bay Sea Wall
         Organized by Roger and Andy Garnett and Ruth McArthur
         Please bring Wine and Vegetarian BBQ food. Beer /soft drinks/
                       food provided
6.30 pm - Prize Giving/. Seagrove Bay
Conducted by Tobias Garnett and Penelope Simpson
7.45 pm Sunset and Chinese Lanterns Released
                  After BBQ. Helpers to carry BBQ stuff to location tbc
 Easter Monday April 1st

9.00 am. BBQ Clear Up Team.
Seagrove Bay Sea Wall
9.45 am - Historical Walk from Seagrove Bay Slipway to Saint Helen's Beach
Led by Chris Garnett, Miranda Smith, Robin Edward Poulton and Marylla Hunt including a special visit to the original St Helens Cottage garden
combined with
10.45 am - Traditional Whitecliff Bay Walk (bring picnic), Starts from the Stoney Road.
Via The Bay Watch Café St Helens and the Pilot Boat Inn Bembridge
3.30 pm - Tea with the Gergauds. Chez Gergaud. Park Cottage Saint Helens
Hosted by Perdy and Giles Gergaud


Warm rain proof clothes for Beach BBQ and mud proof footwear


Soft Shoes and clan tartans for Scottish dancing

Non scratchy shoes for Saturday evening

Cash or cheques to buy the Centenary Book etc.

Wine and veggie food for BBQ

1913 Rugby Kit!

Edwardian dress for the tennis tournament

OS Map Map Outdoor Leisure 29. Isle of Wight

Hockey Sticks

Exhibition Memorabilia to Helen’s House 2-2.45 pm Friday
Donations for collecting boxes  for St Helens Church and the Weekend Fund




Junior Sports
The Junior Sports will be similar to the Seaview Regatta Beach Sports and will include light hearted events for under 8s and 8 to 14s.Expect Bobbins in the Bucket/Sack races/Flat and 3 legged races/ plus a seasonal Easter egg hunt and all age relay!
Family Art Exhibition
An exhibition of watercolour paintings by Joanna Heseltine, for sale in aid of the
registered charity Jinja Deaf Education Access Fund.
The  subject for her paintings are  the part of the Island where the Poulton and Garnett family have grown up and lived.
number 3. Seagrove Bay
Seeing Rescue
Seeing Rescue is a game that has been played every Easter and summer since the 1930s when Margaret and Maxwell Garnett’s children adapted the St Helens Cottage hide and seek game to be played at their new home Horestone Cottage. The Catcher circulates the house to catch his prisoners by sight and naming them, while the players try to release the captives from the Home (curly wall) by touch.
Over the years many tricks have been developed to allow the rescuer to reach the home  to release the prisoners.Disguise, cheating, subterfuge and camouflage have all been used-for example ‘Wearing Uncle Stuart's flying suit peering over the top of the old wood shed and the Catcher not being able to see who was wearing it ‘.
Scottish Dancing and the Family
Robin Edward Poulton writes
The two people who always loved dancing were Teddie and Pauline.
Teddie was a ballroom dancer who married a dance teacher (my mother: ballet, tap, ballroom etc) and they discovered Scottish Country Dancing in Nigeria. Thereafter they danced every week until her knees gave out (at age 70) and his heart gave out (at age 80).
Perdy Gergaud (Hunt) writes
In good Garnett and Poulton tradition, we are arranging an evening of
Scottish Dancing with instruction and calling from Rory Poulton.
The Eightsome Reel
Gay Gordons
The Dashing white sergeant
Strip the Willow
Ronnie Poulton Commemorative Rugby Tournament on Saint Helen’s School Field
‘Ronnie’ Poulton was Teddie and Peggy’s Uncle. He was an extravagantly gifted centre three-quarter who first came to prominence playing on the wing. He won a total of seventeen caps for England, scoring 28 points (comprised of eight tries and a drop goal), and had the distinction of captaining his country through an unbeaten Five Nations campaign in 1914, the last before the First World War began. He enlisted and was killed in 1915 aged 25 at Ploegsteert Belgium
St Helen’s Green was a centre of sporting activity for the Village and for the
Poultons. Both Ronnie and his brother Edward were fine sportsmen and Blues

The Tournament
Open to all ages and abilities, the touch rugby tournament will be a simple, non-contact competition of two pools of 4 teams (to be picked on the day).
Each team will make their own name for identification.
There shall be unlimited touches. Turn-over of ball will come about through era or by scoring tries.
Each team shall play each other within their designated pool.
There will be a semi final between the top 2 teams per pool and the Grand Finale will be between the winners of the 2 semi finals.
Games will be in two halves of 6 minutes, with 1 minute for half time.
Each team will be mixed ages and genders. The emphasis will be on running rugby on a biggish pitch, to emulate Ronnie! Kit will be shorts with rugby/football boots or trainers.
Ed Cotterell is Chief Referee (his word is Final!)
James Corsan (author ‘For Poulton and England’) will blow the Starting Whistle
Thanksgiving Service Saint Helen's Church
Peter J writes
"At 4pm on Easter Saturday there will be a service of thanksgiving for the lives of Peggy Jay and Teddie Poulton, both born in 1913, in St Helen's Church. The order of service will be evensong with favourite hymns, readings by family members and tributes by Cousins Penelope, Virginia, Robin-Edward and Peter and contributions from the Family choir ".
Saint Helens Church and the Family
Robin Edward writes: The family has been worshipping, marrying and conducting funerals in St Helens Church for 120 years. The SIXTH generation of Garnetts and Poultons will be represented by Professor Sir Edward and Emily Poulton’s direct descendant Liam Edward Hennessy Poulton (P11111 aged 4) and the fifth generation of  Margaret and Maxwell Garnett by their oldest Great Great Grand child Lara Slyce ( G2111 aged 14).
Evening Cabaret
Up beat, Blues, Sixties, Sea Shanties and Country musical Acts featuring One More Cup of Coffee  (Dylan), Let in Be (Beatles), a specially written song with apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan for solo and chorus and a solo dance act.
4 Acts including specially composed Song for chorus/soloists, a Brother and Sister duet, a solo flute piece, a Family folk group and a solo modern dance act by Peggy’s great  granddaughter (all family members).


Edwardian Tennis Tournament Finals
The tournament will be in 3 parts for doubles (mixed or not), may be seeded and will be a knock out tournament starting on Saturday. The site of the Match will be on the Crawley court built where the original Pauline Hunt family caravan site used to be.
Final. 3.45 pm. Easter Sunday.  Spectators welcome.
Edwardian Dress please. Afternoon Teas provided.
Centenary Hockey Match Seagrove Bay
Organized and Refereed by Martin Jay according to 1913 Rules!
In Rebecca Garnett (Samways)’s biography about her son Kenneth,
(Killed in 1917) she describes holidays (1912-1914) at Horestone Point their holiday home in Seagrove Bay .
She wrote
'Each Easter the seaside home of his parents was
filled with their children's friends, and many life-long
friendships were formed. The two elder sons, Maxwell
and Stuart, met their wives and Dorothy met her husband
in that happy seaside home in the Isle of Wight. The
boys and girls played sand bockey or went sailing in
Canadian canoes, or sometimes punting or paddling.'


 Easter Monday Whitecliff Bay Walk Family Tradition

Contributions from Peter J and Chris G.


It is believed that the Whitecliff Bay Easter Monday walk was started by some of our great uncles and grandfathers (Stuart, Kenneth, Edward, Ronald and Maxwell) in about 1908. In 2008 with Peggy’s approval we celebrated the Walk’s100th anniversary.


Until the Causeway over Bembridge Harbour was rebuilt in the Sixties it was necessary to launch one or more boats and/or canoes in Priory Bay. They were then rowed or paddled to the St Helen's foreshore to ferry everybody across the water at the entrance to Bembridge Harbour.

In those days there was no rest stop at the Baywatch Café, which did not exist, or at the Pilot Boat Inn and alcohol was not approved!

There was often a stop at Campbell's Gallery to look at the Banhams IOW prints.
After leaving Campbell's walking along the top road we were told the story of the sinking of the Titanic where Lieutenant Lightoller was always held up as the hero with requests to slow down.

 As soon as the Titanic story was finished we moved onto another great story of British heroic failure with the story of Captain Scott's failed expedition to the South Pole and the tragedy of George Mallory’s disappearance with Sandy Irvine climbing Mount Everest in 1924. Total historical accuracy was never a strong feature of these stories.

After passing the Windmill and going down the hill we were told the story of where Maxwell dropped his pen when he bent down to put Peggy on his shoulders. The story is that when Maxwell got back to St Helen's Cottage he could not find his pen. Rethinking his walk he remembered where he had bent down to pick up Peggy. Max ran back and bent down at the right point and immediately found his pen.

The picnics at Whitecliff Bay were always a slightly competitive affair with John going round at looking at everybody else's and asking Barbara why hers was not so good. Martin continued the tradition by awarding marks to each family picnic, grabbing a few morsels and leaving Peggy in no doubt that hers was the worst. Pauline’s was usually the best. This made for peaceful picnics!

The walk was always held regardless of the weather and there was one memorable occasion walking in snow when Douglas turned up at Whitecliff Bay in gym shoes and a plastic mac walking at speed on a solitary walk of his own.


Peter’s Rhyme (with apology to W.S. Gilbert)

But first all must be tested by the Whitecliff walk

And listen to some Uncle’s endless talk;

Of  Mallory, Titanic  and poor old Scott

Before there’s a chance of a lunchtime tot.

4)Ordering  Numbered Tee Shirts

Many Garnetts already acquired T Shirts with their G Numbers  for the Cross Island walk 3 years ago.

We ordered yellow lettering on navy blue T Shirt.
We suggest Poultons order navy blue lettering on Yellow T Shirts (the Duver etc!), just to introduce an element of friendly counterpoint between the families!
The genealogical numbers are listed here. All Poulton numbers start with P and Maxwell/Margaret Garnett descendants with a G. Please ask us if you are not sure.The Poulton number start one generation before the Garnett ones so Penelope is P15 and Peter Jay is G21 despite being a generation apart.
We added asterix for spouses, question marks for partners and brackets round the individual's number for step relations. Not sure about fiancées!

This is the web site we used.

Here is a link direct to the navy blue/yellow T Shirt ordering page. (click on 'Choose Product')

After choosing T Shirt colour, size and design look for 'add custom text + change colour text'.
You will find the Navy colour option plus yellow (not neon yellow) lettering on this web page for the Garnett T Shirts.There is no navy option for under 3s so I chose Black.
I suggest the yellow option for the Poulton T Shirts with navy lettering.

Listed here are 5 types of Tee shirts just ordered including the Font sizes chosen for the lettering.
Men's classic T-shirt: 73 pt - 82 pt
Baby one piece: 36 pt
Women's classic T-shirt: 64 pt - 91 pt
Baby T-shirt: 41 pt
Kid's classic T-shirt: 40 pt